
Ten magically illustrated storybooks to share at bedtime. From the Bear who can't sleep and the Tiger who won't go to bed, to the Grandma Owl who finds herself being put to bed instead of her charge!  Enchanting stories, perfect for snuggling up at the end of the day.

Titles in box:

Goodnight Tiger

Goodnight Tiger is a quirky, funny bedtime story book, full of jungle animals and surprises. The animals in Emily’s jungle wallpaper can’t sleep, and they are bellowing and stomping and growling and keeping her awake! “Go to sleep!” shouts Emily. “We’ve tried and tried, but can’t!” says the tiger. So Emily climbs into the wallpaper and shows the animals how to get ready for bed. Only baths and lullabies aren’t quite the same in the jungle…!

Before We Go To Bed

Barney is having a wonderful time – eating licky, sticky honey and splashing about in his lovely, bubbly bath. Before long, Barney and his Grandpa even end up bouncing on the bed! Will the two of them ever get to sleep?

Time To Sleep Alfie Bear!

Alfie Bear doesn't want to go to bed. He's not at all sleepy. The fish and the owls and the wolves are all still awake and Alfie wants to be like them, splashing and swooping and howling into the night! But Alfie's high spirits are keeping the baby twins awake. Will Mother Bear ever persuade the little bear to go to sleep?  Another touching and funny story about this lively, determined little bear, that captures perfectly a toddler's determination to stay awake for ever!

Snuggle Up, Sleepy Ones

The sun paints the sky a warm, glowing red.
It's time to stop playing, it's time for bed.

All the baby animals - from little hippo to the mischievous monkeys - are snuggling down for the night in this beautiful bedtime rhyme with gorgeous, soft illustrations.  

What Are You Doing In My Bed?

Kip the kitten has nowhere to sleep on a cold winter's night. So he creeps into a house and curls up in a snug, cosy bed. But this bed belongs to someone else. This is a fun-filled story, aimed at 3-6 year olds, perfect for reading aloud.

Bear Can't Sleep!

Winter is coming and Bear can’t sleep. Oh how he rumbles and grumbles, and growls and howls! “That bear sounds angry!” cry the animals. “What if he comes after us?” But Patch the Hare isn’t scared of any old bear and soon he has a brilliant idea!

I Don't Want To Go To Bed!

Little Tiger doesn't want to go to bed but discovers that staying up all night is not as much fun as it seems. 

I'm Not Sleepy!

It's bedtime, and Mo isn't sleepy. Not one tiny bit. "I don't want to go to bed!" he giggles. "I want to play!" "But someone has got to go to bed," says Grandma. "Maybe I should go up to bed and you can stay up." "Yes! Yes! Yes!" laughs Mo, but putting Grandma to bed is harder than he thought it would be. A funny bedtime story for children who aren't quite ready to go to sleep yet.

I Love You As Big As The World

Big Bear and Little Bear love each other so much that their love stretches high up into the mountains. It is big enough to fill the whole wide world.

It's Time To Sleep You Crazy Sheep

Tucked up tight, all warm and snug,
Phoebe tries to sleep.
She shuts her eyes, but she’s not tired:
she needs to count her sheep!

But the crazy sheep have other plans. They’re too busy to be counted! Soon they have Phoebe all worn out with their madcap adventures. Those crazy sheep! Will they ever let Phoebe go to sleep?

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Through The Sleepy Window 10 Books Collection Box Set

  • ISBN: 978-1-788812245
  • Автор: Little Tiger Press
  • Видавництво: Little Tiger Press
  • Кількість сторінок: 320
  • Рік видання: 2018
  • Обкладинка: Paperback
  • Модель: 9781788812245
  • Вага: 2.1 кг
  • Розміри: 29 см х 4.2 см х 25 см
  • Бонусні бали: 2655
  • Наявність: Є в наявності
  • Примітки:

  • 1150.00 грн (UAH)

  • Ціна у бонусних балах: 115000